Saturday, August 31, 2019
Dr. Doctor
Dear Doctor, Yesterday, during lunch, my best friend and I were discussing sexually transmitted diseases and we got into quite a brawl about some of the myths and facts of them. It seemed like the only statement we both agreed on was that the topic about sexually transmitted diseases (and how each are transmitted and statistics) should be taught in school, just how biological information and abstinence are being educated. With that being said, I have quite a few questions to ask you. Is it still possible to get a sexually transmitted disease if you are abstinent?If a person is infected with a sexually transmitted disease, can you tell by their appearance? Is there a higher chance that you will be infected by a sexually transmitted disease if you’re in your teen years? Can STDS only spread through semen and blood? If a woman is on birth control, does that prevent her from obtaining an STD as well? Can you, in fact, catch an STD from a toilet seat? And lastly, once you have a se xually transmitted disease, there’s no chance of becoming infected again, right?These were a bunch of questions that seemed to be left unanswered yesterday and I was wondering if you might be able to clarify them for me as well as every other reader out there. Thank you Doctor. Sincerely, Confused reader. Dear â€Å"Confused reader†, I do appreciate taking time to write to me about your questions and I also agree with you that the educational system should do more to inform the youth about sexually transmitted diseases before it may be too late. Also, as for your questions.. Yes, there is still a chance that one might become infected with a sexually transmitted disease while remaining abstinent. Abstinence does not preventAIDS, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C infections that come from nonsexual activities like using contaminated needles for doing drugs, unsterilized tattooing, or even taking steroids. You have no way of knowing if a person has a sexually transmitted disea se just by looking at their appearance and observing how ‘clean’ they are. Even doctors often can’t tell by looking if people have STDs; that’s why tests involving a patient’s blood work were made. Most STDs have very few signs or no signs at all. Only in really extreme cases of certain STDs could a person detect signs of an STD in the groin area; but don’t rely on it.It’s even possible to carry and spread the virus without ever having an outbreak. The truth is, about one in four sexually experienced teens become infected with an STD. Unfortunately, you are correct on this one. Statistics show that two-thirds of sexually transmitted diseases occur in people who are under twenty- five and one in four girls between the ages of fourteen and nineteen were determined to have at least one of four sexually transmitted diseases (Human Papillomavirus [HPV], Chlamydia, Herpes Simplex Virus, and Trichomoniasis. ).Young people (ages from 15- 24) h ave five times the reported rate of Chlamydia of the total population, four times the reported rate of Gonorrhea, and three times the rate of Syphilis. While semen and blood can spread some sexually transmitted diseases, some STDs like herpes and syphilis can be spread by skin on skin contact. For example, when herpes flares up, an active sore appears on the person’s body and if this sore comes into contact with another person’s skin (or moist areas like the mouth, throat, and also areas with cuts and/ or rashes), it can spread.However, it can also spread before the blisters actually form. I’ve actually heard these two myths before and never understood how they came about. The birth control pill has the potential to prevent one thing, the prevention of pregnancy from occurring. It holds no protection against sexually transmitted diseases. As for the myth about being able to get a sexually transmitted disease from a toilet seat, organisms cannot survive outside o f the human body for a long period of time. Some STDs are yours for life, like herpes and HIV.Others, like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, can be treated; but you more likely to get infected again, since you are now vulnerable to the disease if you have sexual contact with someone who has them. In young girls, the second time you have Chlamydia, there’s more damage to your reproductive tract, which may cause permanent infertility. I expect that you read everything that I have written and have more of an understanding on sexually transmitted diseases. Remember: No sex is always better than safe sex. Sincerely always, The Doctor.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Ibdp Biology Sl Specimen Exam Paper
N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ 88086004 Biology Standard level PaPer 1 Monday 17 November 2008 (afternoon) 45 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES †¢ †¢ †¢ Do not open this examination paper until instructed to do so. Answer all the questions. For each question, choose the answer you consider to be the best and indicate your choice on the answer sheet provided. 8808-6004 13 pages  © International Baccalaureate Organization 2008 –– 1. Which of the following characterizes tissues? A. B. C. D. A group of cells that develop independently. A group of organs that have the same function. A group of cells that have the same function.A group of organs that have the same structure. N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ 2. Which of the following explains how brain cells develop to carry out their functions? A. B. C. D. The cells have interacted to become brain cells. The cells have evolved that way. Some genes are expressed while other genes are not. All genes are expressed in the brain cells. 3. The following is a diagram of a prokaryote. I. II. III. IV. Which two structures are required for protein synthesis in this cell? A. B. C. D. 8808-6004 III and IV II and IV II and III I and II } –– 4. What is necessary for osmosis to occur? A. B. C. D.A membrane protein A partially permeable membrane A source of energy A cell wall N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ 5. In a cell the nuclear membrane has broken down and spindle microtubules from both poles are attached to each centromere of chromosomes aligned on the equator. Which phase of mitosis does this describe? A. B. C. D. Prophase Anaphase Metaphase Telophase 6. Which of the following contain the element phosphorus? A. B. C. D. Amino acids Viruses Ribose Deoxyribose 8808-6004 Turn over –4– 7. Which diagram correctly illustrates a glucose molecule? A. H C OH CHOH C H OH C H C. H N H C H N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+B. O H C OH O C H N H C H C OH CHOH C H H C OH O H H C OH C OH H C OH H O D. CH (CH)n C O OH 8. The following diagram shows the effect of temperature on enzyme activity. What explains the lack of activity at high temperatures? Rate of enzyme activity optimum temperature Temperature /  °C A. B. C. D. The active site no longer has the required shape. All the substrate has been used. All the enzyme has been used. Theactivesiteiscompletelyfilledwithsubstrate. 8808-6004 –– 9. N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ Which of the following correctly show the process and location for pyruvate formation? Process A. B. C. D. erobic cell respiration respiration photosynthesis photosynthesis Location cytoplasm chloroplast cytoplasm chloroplast 10. A molecule has two guanines, one cytosine, three riboses and three phosphates arranged in a single strand. What kind of molecule is this? A. B. C. D. DNA RNA A triplet of DNA nucleotides A polysaccharide 11. In photosynthesis, light energy is used to split water molecules. Which products are formed and what is the name of the reaction? Products formed A. B. C. D. hydrogen and ATP hydrogen and oxygen hydrogen and ATP hydrogen and oxygen Reaction photolysis photolysis hydrolysis hydrolysis 8808-6004 Turn over 6– 12. What can be concluded from the following data? N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ 1 4 6 7 8 10 11 1 1 14 1 16 17 18 1 0 1 X Y A. B. C. D. Karyotype of a male with a normal set of chromosomes DNAprofilingofamalewithDownsyndrome DNAprofilingofamalewithanormalsetofchromosomes Karyotype of a male with Down syndrome 13. The genotypes of two parents are HbA HbA and HbA HbS. What are the likely phenotypes of their children? A. B. C. D. 7 % healthy 0 % may develop sickle-cell anemia % may develop sickle-cell anemia 100 % healthy 8808-6004 –7– 14. N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ The gel image shown below has two lanes.The DNA is loaded onto the gel at the origin. To separate the DNA fragments a negative charge is applied to the origin of the gel. What conclusi on could be made about the DNA fragments? 1 origin A. B. C. D. The size of the DNA fragment in Lane 1 is greater than in Lane . The charge of the DNA fragment in Lane is positive. The size of the DNA fragment in Lane is greater than in Lane 1. The charge of the DNA fragment in Lane 1 is positive. 15. Which of the following best describes sex linkage? A. B. C. D. The condition will be inherited only by sons. The condition will be inherited only by daughters.The condition may be inherited by sons and daughters. The condition will be inherited by more daughters than sons. 16. A human gene is cloned into a plasmid and put into a host cell. Which enzymes are used for this gene transfer? A. B. C. D. Restriction endonuclease and DNA ligase DNA polymerase and DNA ligase Restriction endonuclease and DNA polymerase DNA polymerase and RNA polymerase 8808-6004 Turn over –8– 17. N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ Which of the following best describe(s) all the descendants of a clon e? I. II. III. A. B. C. D. I only I and II only I and III only I, II and III They have the same chromosomes.They share one parent. They are sterile. The following diagram of a food web refers to questions 18 and 19. hawk fox small birds badger hedgehog shrew beetles slugs mice woodlice rabbits grass 18. Which organism(s) in the food web above is(are) both secondary consumer(s) and tertiary consumer(s)? A. B. C. D. Hawk and fox Hawk and hedgehog Fox and badger Hawk only 8808-6004 –– 19. N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ If 1 000 000 J m– yr–1 of sunlight is assimilated by the grass in the food web, how much energy would be available to the badger? A. B. C. D. 10 to J m– yr–1 100 to 00 J m– yr–1 00 to 1000 J m– yr–1 00 to 10 000 J m– yr–1 0. The average weight of walnuts from one group of trees was 8. g with a standard deviation of 1. g. Which conclusion can be drawn from these data? A. B. C . D. % of all walnuts from these trees weigh between . g and 11. g. 68 % of all walnuts from these trees weigh between . g and 11. g. The minimum weight of walnuts from this tree is . g. The maximum weight of walnuts from this tree is 11. g. 21. Which of the following gases contribute to the greenhouse effect? I. II. III. A. B. C. D. I only I and II only II and III only I, II and III Methane Water vapour Nitrogen 8808-6004 Turn over – 10 – 22.What is the main cause of variation in a species? A. B. C. D. Meiosis Mitosis Random mating Emigration N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ 23. The diagram below represents the human digestive system. 1 4 Which of the following correctly represents the labels? Esophagus A. B. C. D. 1 1 4 Gall bladder 4 4 1 Small intestine 1 Pancreas 4 8808-6004 – 11 – 24. What type of blood does the left atrium of the heart receive? A. B. C. D. Deoxygenated blood from the lungs Oxygenated blood from the r ight ventricle Oxygenated blood from the lungs Deoxygenated blood from the left ventricle N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ 5. What will be an effect of HIV infection on the immune system? A. B. C. D. Antigens no longer bind to antibodies. Number of active lymphocytes is increased. Antibody production is limited. HIV patient will fall ill more frequently. 26. A person is suffering from an illness and the doctor prescribes an antibiotic to treat the disease. What is the patient likely to suffer from? A. B. C. A viral infection A prokaryotic infection An eukaryotic infection Theflu(influenza) D. 8808-6004 Turn over – 1 – 27. N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ The diagram below shows the female reproductive system and associated organs.X Y Z Which of the labelled structures correctly identify the cervix, urethra and ovary? Cervix A. B. C. D. Z Y Y Z Urethra X Z X Y Ovary Y X Z X 28. Which conditions apply to gas exchange in the lungs when the blood arrives there from the body? Blood oxygen concentration A. B. C. D. same as inhaled air higher than inhaled air lower than inhaled air same as inhaled air Blood carbon dioxide concentration higher than inhaled air lower than inhaled air higher than inhaled air lower than inhaled air 8808-6004 – 1 – 29. Which of the following events leading up to birth is correct?A. B. C. D. Progesterone levels increase, oxytocin decreases. Progesterone levels decrease, oxytocin increases. Progesterone levels increase, oxytocin increases. Progesterone levels decrease, oxytocin decreases. N08/4/BIOLO/SPM/ENG/TZ0/XX+ 30. What should happen after a meal? A. B. C. D. Blood glucose concentration rises and insulin concentration increases. Blood glucose concentration decreases and glucagon increases. Blood glucose concentration rises and insulin concentration decreases. Blood glucose concentration rises and glucagon concentration stays the same. 8808-6004
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Ap Us History Dbq
APUSH DBQ 6 All throughout the 1800s, slavery was a very controversial topic. During the 1860 election, Abraham Lincoln was asked about his views on slavery. He simply stated that he would do anything with slavery to preserve the union. A few months later, Lincoln issued the Emancipation and this went slightly against what he had said earlier. Once this was issued, the preservation of the Union and the abolition of slavery became the main goal in the war. I believe that Lincolns main goal was to preserve the Union and although he felt that slavery was morally wrong, he was willing to do anything to keep it together. There were many instances where Lincoln made his beliefs on slavery very clear. Although he believed that it was morally wrong, he still did not believe that blacks should have the same rights as an american. He wanted them to be free. Just free somewhere else. During his presidency he tried very hard to do whatever needed to be done to preserve the Union. Lincoln restated this again in August of 1863 when he reminded people of the democratic party that the civil war was being fought in an effort to put the Union back together. Feelings on slavery did not matter but freeing slaves would make things easier because Confederate war effort would become more difficult. I march of 1862, Lincoln decided that it would be best to award states that freed their slaves with money. With this, people were not able to say that they didnt receive money for getting rid of slavery. This was simply a bribe though. He was not forcing anyone to abolish slavery and it was completely the states decision. Although that made the thought of abolition seem less awful to the confederates, they were still unsure. When speaking to a Committee of Religious Denominations of Chicago in September of that same year, Lincoln admitted that slavery was a big part of rebellion. He also stated that emancipation would prove to Europe that the U. S. had morals (image of strong ally). Emancipation would then also weaken the rebels by taking their laborers. Although this was a good plan, people were also still curious as to what would happen to all of the freed black people because they are uneducated and not smart enough to do the average white persons work. Fredrick Douglas, brought up the idea of letting black people fight in the war, and Lincoln felt that it was a good thing for blacks to do. 54th Massachusetts was famous because it was the first all black regiment. All black people fought for free until they were seen as equal. At first, Lincoln was scared that they would not be good soldiers and they would not be loyal to the fellow troops. Another fear he had was that White regiments would be angry and refuse to fight. 54th Massachusetts did the assault on fort Wagner and although there were many casualties, they continued to fight. This impressed both Sherman and Grant. That concern was put aside when all the focus was pointed towards Lincoln during his famous Gettysburg address in July of 1863. During the historic speech, he stated that all men were created equal and pointed out that during the revolution, they fought for equality of all men. This meant that by having slavery, they were lying about the revolution. Lincoln made it a point to say that were an example to all other countries that wanted democracy. He called the United States a â€Å"test case†with slavery. They had to keep fighting for those who already died or they might as well have a monarchy. Everything was going smoothly until there was a race riot later that year. White people were beating up black people because they felt that they were stealing their jobs. Buckner was confused because these northern people were treating blacks like southerners. Abusing them and refusing to draft. He pointed out that the black people were fighting for a country that didnt even appreciate them. The memorable statement of his speech was that the freed men were braver than all the men in that room combined. As people argued about whether slavery should be abolished or not, Lincoln always made it clear that the one thing he cared about the most was the preservation of the Union. The southern states mainly insisted on keeping slaver for economic needs and the North was more open to the idea of abolition because they did not need slave help. With such a controversial topic, it was hard to compromise but with Lincolns will to do anything, the Union was once again united.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Martin luther king paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Martin luther king paper - Essay Example These victories were achieved a year and two years after Luther’s electrifying speech of 1963 delivered from Lincoln Memorial. Advancement towards racial equity was also evident for Africa Americans by 1968. With such historical changes within America’s after Luther’s great speech, this paper explores ethos and logos as use in his speech moving people to embrace change. Logos rhetoric is used in the speech excellently and is demonstrated through high-level reasoning and logical plea. Everything that Luther says is justified like the generalization concerning segregation and discrimination. For instance, the speech begins by stating America’s history followed by an explanation of the reasons why there was a meeting. According to Luther, a time had come when God’s children would enjoy opened â€Å"...doors of opportunity†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Luther also explained clearly the reason for holding the meeting at Washington as intended at â€Å"†¦cash a check†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (852) This meant that all men, black and white, would be certain of alienable rights, pursuit of happiness, and liberty and this words aligned with independence declaration. Luther analogously presented the way thing were during the independence days and the way things would be in coming days. He cites that â€Å"We cannot be satisfied †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (854) walking unaccompanied, with exhausted bodies, or with children robbed their self-esteem and their adulthood exposed. One great usage of pathos was Luther himself. He was an unbearable symbol of American the wrongs in America’s culture and the Americans themselves resulting to his idolization and coronation with a national holiday in Luther’s name. Such an honor indicates the extent to which Americans trusted Luther and supported his call to protest, demonstrate, and march in search of an America free from racism, materialism. The speech also uses
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Pricing Techniques Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Pricing Techniques - Assignment Example Elasticity of demand for a service or good is lowest when demand is highest (at peak) and the contrary is true. Price, therefore, depends on demand elasticity. An example of peak load pricing is the case of electricity. During peak, there are uses of power stations that exhibit the lowest cost of operations. Coal-fired stations exhibit low cost of operations and, therefore, most preferable during off-peak demand. Gas and oil-fired stations that have high operations costs are used during peak demand. The marginal cost of electricity production using gas and oil-fired is higher than using coal-fired stations. Peak load pricing principles are developed for the profit-maximizing firm, which is the subject to one or three methods of regulatory constraints (Knieps, 2015). Peak load pricing techniques has a substantial effect on the distribution of price reductions between the peak and off-peak users. Under regulation limiting rate of return on capital investment the price reduction are received mostly by peak-period users. In contrast, when regulation limits profit per unit or returns on cost, there are price reductions for all
Monday, August 26, 2019
Do Family Medicine doctors have the same results as Specialists Essay - 1
Do Family Medicine doctors have the same results as Specialists (Endocrinologist) for diabetic Patients - Essay Example This paper will elaborately answer the question as to whether there is a significance difference in the care provided to diabetic patients by a family physician or medical specialist. It should be noted that primary doctors who are normally found in the hospital as their work station are always busy. This is because their main duty is normally fixed within the hospital and they have a wider obligation of attending to all visiting patients (Rubin 1). For diabetes patients, standard care needs to be carried out by a diabetic team. The team is comprised of the patient who is diabetic, a primary care doctor, a dietitian, endocrinologist, eye specialist, podiatrist, nurse educator and an exercise trainer (Rubin 1). This is the standard team for diabetic care as recommended and each member has got an important role to paly on cases related with acute or chronic diabetic complication (Rubin 1). However, due to limited staffing and insufficient professional man power, many hospitals fail to implement this recommendation, thus compromising the standard diabetic care. It is for this reason that many patients prefer hiring personal family physicians to assist in care management for their diabetic patients (Rubin 1). Diagnosis and treatment of diabetic patients may relatively follow the same procedure when conducted by either family physician, an endocrinologist or specialists (Olson 5). The difference will be the way the medical specialist is engaging with the patient. It is important to note that as a primary doctor, the workload is usually packed, because they keep on seeing patients after patients (Olson 5). Under this circumstance, most hospitals usually receive many patients with different kinds of complications. The fact is that 80-85 percent of patients taken to primary doctors can be attended to by clinical officers and even nurses (Olson 5). This is to show that no matter how much the doctor may try to employ
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Critique - Essay Example By inserting the word, â€Å"Indi’s owner,†the impact would be made smooth and the shift not abrupt. The corrected version would run like this: â€Å"Samantha, Indi’s owner, acknowledges ‘Being a pit bull†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Paragraph 3: The paragraph is too long and hard on the eyes. This should be broken in two. The new paragraph may begin with â€Å"BSL fails to address †¦.†as anyway it begins to explain deeper about BSL - a topic distinct different from the earlier idea being discussed which is dog breed and its general link to BSL. Paragraph 5: â€Å"However, that is an average of less than 20 dog-bite related fatalities per year, presumes accurate reporting of dog breed, and does not take total number of dogs in the breed in the general population into account.†Delete â€Å"is†in â€Å"is an average†and the thought will be clear. Paragraph 9: â€Å"The popularity of particular breeds ebbs and flows, in the 70s Dobermans were popular, in the 80s ‘pit bulls’ were†¦.†Colon instead should be used after the word, â€Å"flows†since a long enumeration begins on the topic of dog breeds by the decades. The outline of the article runs this way. Indi is introduced as champion dog, followed by the negative reputation of Pit Bull Terrier breed and what Indi has to endure for being of this breed. How â€Å"pit bull†breed came into controversy is discussed next, beefed by statistics on dog bites that are not based on breed. BSL (Breed Specific Legislation) is enacted on state-wide level then because of reported dog viciousness. Medical studies on dog bites come next, but these studies do not highlight breed. Statistics on dog-attacks are compared to non-fatal dog bites. From here, BSL being enacted based on breed incidents is described. BSL is hitting the wrong nail, it is argued, and that it is an ineffective response to sensationalized issues. The presumptions of BSL and why it is ineffective are considered. Because there is no decrease in dog attacks despite
None Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
None - Research Paper Example Interest in the coffee developed, with neighborhood restaurants and hotels asking to be supplied too. While the first bistro is no more possessed by Green Mountain Coffee, the organization now keeps up its base camp in Waterbury, Vermont, where it has a 93,000 square foot 8,500 m2 broiling and dissemination office. Green Mountain Coffee Roasters opened up to the world in September 1993 and is recorded on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the stock image GMCR. In October 2002, Green Mountain consented to an arrangement to offer reasonable exchange coffee under the Newmans Own Organics mark. In 2005, the organization procured Keurig, incorporated, a producer of single container fermenting frameworks (Gasparro. 2015, p. 5). The organization was positioned number one in The Best Corporate Citizens in 2006 and 2007. On November 13, 2009, Green Mountain declared the procurement of the wholesale division of Canadian coffee supplier Timothy World Coffees for $160 million US. On September 14, 2010, Green Mountain Coffee purchased a second Canadian wholesaler, Quebec based coffee administrations organization Van Houtte, for $920 million. Green Mountain Coffee Roasters then sold the Filter new US coffee administration parcel of Van Houttes business to Aramark on August, 29th 2011 for $140 million. On September 28, 2010, the organizations stock rose to an untouched high, yet the organization uncovered after the businesses shut that the Securities an d Exchange Commission has asked for archives and information from Green Mountain Coffee Roasters identified with an investigation into how it represents an income. The organization reported that U.S. controllers had asked into some of Green Mountains bookkeeping works for, including income distinguished, and the vast stock with a solitary merchant, M. Square. Most scholars accept that the organization practices are
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Compare and Contrast Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Compare and Contrast - Research Paper Example The Greek ideal was defined by the term â€Å"kalokagathia†. Since kalokagathia included the perfection of the body and physical constitution as well as moral and spiritual perfection, along with the beauty and power of the ideal, there was brought justice, purity, courage, and intelligence (Dombrowski 8). That is what made the sculptures of Greek gods carved by ancient sculptors of the unique beauty. Sculptures of all periods of Greek art were notable for its special beauty and the masterly performance. Passing to the specific examples, the current paper will compare and contrast two Greek sculptures of different periods: Peplos Kore and Aphrodite from Melos. The Archaic period in the history of Ancient Greece lasted from 8th to 6th centuries BCE. During this period, there was a rapid development of the material culture, handicraft centers, agriculture, and trade. There also occurred an intensification of city growth. This was the right moment for further development of art t hat, afterwards, glorified Ancient Greece: vase painting; monumental architecture, lyric poetry, and marble sculpture. The first sculptures in Greece began to emerge in the 7th century BCE. The island of Crete was a motherland for monumental sculpture. There were found stone sculptures of young male athletes and warriors that are dated back to the early 7th century BCE. Cretan school of sculpture created its important standards of simple and clear outline of the sculpture, generalized form, strict balance of all parts of sculpture, and frontal composition of the construction. Crete laid the basis for an ideal type of female and male statues, kore and kouros. Peplos Kore (ca.530 BCE.) was a statue of a young woman (maiden) standing in the constrained position. The statue of a girl was made a life-size or slightly smaller. On the tranquil and serene face of the statue the sculptor portrayed the so-called â€Å"archaic smile†to show that the sculpture is alive. Kores were dress ed in peplos, the draped tunic that hides the asymmetry of the figure (in the Attic school of sculpture most statues were dressed in peplos). Thus, the whole outfit gave the sense of girl purity and innocence. It should be noted that kores, the statue of the maidens, were never sculpted naked, in contrast to the male sculptures of the same period. Kores were designed with two purposes. Firstly, kores were dedicated to Greek gods. In this case, the kore was holding an object that was associated with the â€Å"occupation†of the god she was devoted to. On the footing of the statue, there was cut the text of dedication, the name of the sculptor, and the name of the person that paid for the making of the statue (patron). Secondly, kores were made to set at the cemetery on the graves of the distinguished citizens. In this case, the kore was made of resemblance with the deceased. Kores were the leading element in the Greek sculpture of the Archaic period (Stansbury-O’Donnell 138). The emotional clarity of this captivating image was once strengthened with bright coloring of the sculpture. In accordance with the Archaic standard, the eyebrows and eyelashes were blue, eyes and lips were brown, hair, flowing over the shoulders, was pinkish red, and the edge of the linen chiton and cape were painted green. The initial colors that were used for sculpture were restored from the small pieces of paint that were preserved on the kores. All kores that reached our days were very much alike. It was
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