Monday, September 30, 2019
The Rise of Social Media
â€Å"Man is a social animal†, goes the popular adage. Interaction with fellow beings is a vital part of being human. Community makes us feel complete through exchange of ideas and knowledge. It is therefore not surprising that we constantly try to find better and faster means of communication and information sharing. Our relentless efforts in these areas have led to a phenomenon whose far reaching impacts make it nothing short of a global revolution. That phenomenon is the rise of Social Media.If the internet gave birth to a revolution in the way we stored and sought information, then social media has brought about a revolution in the way we exchange and use information. â€Å"Social Media†is a term that is relatively young of age. It’s definition on â€Å"Wikipedia†, which ironically is also one of its most glorious examples, reads – â€Å"media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques†.Examples of social media include weblogs, social networking sites such as Facebook and My Space, information sharing platforms such as Wikipedia or Twitter, and media sharing platforms such as YouTube. Before the explosion of social media, dissemination of information on a large scale was majorly restricted to â€Å"mass media†such as internet websites, newspapers, television and radio. Broadcasting information using these channels required at least some level of technical or professional expertise.Over the past few years however, development of web technologies that simplify mass collaboration has revolutionised the way content is produced and shared. Now anyone with a computer (or a mobile phone) and internet access has the ability to almost effortlessly share information across the globe and make their views heard, right from their homes, without the need to have significant resources or technical skills at their disposal. The rise of social m edia has had a tremendous influence on the way I and billions around the world think, communicate, learn and behave as we take on different roles during a normal day.Some of those roles being â€Å"the social animal†, â€Å"the global citizen†, â€Å"the consumer†, â€Å"the student†, â€Å"the activist†, â€Å"the professional†and â€Å"the common man†. Me the social animal Looking back though, a lot of the social media platforms didn’t exactly start off doing what they do today. Sites such as Facebook or MySpace started off with a simple objective of allowing people to keep in touch with near and dear ones. My first experience with such a medium was through a networking site called â€Å"Hi5†, as a means to keep in touch with friends.Twitter started off as a simple web equivalent of text messaging. In those nascent stages these platforms allowed people to socialise and to be entertained, hence serving the social anim al in all of us. However, radical changes in these mediums over the last few years have forever changed my perception of their usage and potential. Me, the global citizen Perhaps the most significant change these platforms have enabled is to level the playing field. No longer do I need to be a media celebrity or a seasoned journalist to make my views heard.Mediums such as blogs and twitter give everyone a chance to stand up and be counted. What this has done is to make the world of information sharing truly democratic. The impact of this development has made those in high up places acknowledge the power these mediums hold. When US president Barack Obama was inaugurated into presidency in January 2009, CNN and the Whitehouse collaborated on Facebook to stream the broadcast to a worldwide audience. I remember getting the Goosebumps while watching the stream that generated 600,000 messages.All those messages flashing endlessly on my screen brought about the feeling that I was a part of a global debate. The Obama administration extensively used twitter to reach out to people all around the world. What this has done is to change my perception of how election campaigns or political debates can be carried out. Over time I feel more and more leaders worldwide will need to embrace such mediums if they really wish to have a global outreach. Me the activist Social media has also changed the way we can promote social causes.A great example of this is of â€Å"Earthour. org†in 2009, when Facebook and YouTube were extensively used to co-ordinate a worldwide movement that encouraged people to turn off their electrical appliances for one hour to promote awareness about climate change. This remarkable concept managed to mobilize people from more than 4000 cities all around the world. The event which enabled people in any part of the world to come together and be a part of a global cause has radically changed my view of how global movements can be initiated.All one has to do is to choose a cause and they will have multiple mediums at their disposal to spread the message. Me the consumer In the commercial space, Social media marketing has grown leaps and bounds. Dell attributed $6. 5 million worth of sales to twitter in 2009. What has made corporations adopt such mediums so readily is the opportunity to reach directly to me, their consumer. What’s significant is that now instead of being a spectator; I can also provide my feedback, suggestions or grievances about a product directly to the people that make it, instantly.Not only does this empower me as a consumer, it also provides corporations a very effective medium of targeting the right demographic and audience, optimising their production and efficiency in the process. Me the student Since its very inception, Social Media has held tremendous potential in knowledge sharing. As the world gets smaller and smaller, more and more students look to study in universities across the globe. This ma kes it critical that the institution reaches out to me, the student; to provide the right information at the right time.Going beyond the normal website, phone and email, more and more institutions are establishing an online presence on sites such as Facebook that allow them to reach out to a highly active and driven audience. Taking Oxford itself as an example, Said Business School’s Facebook page allows potential students to directly interact with representatives from the institution and also see what other students have already discussed. Not only does this simplify communication, it also reduces overheads of redundant emails or phone calls. Social media also provides a global platform for talented individuals to share their skills and knowledge.A great example of this is YouTube. I had always had a keen interest in learning to play the guitar. However, a hectic work schedule and high costs of a private teacher meant that private schedule bound lessons were not a viable opt ion. Instead, I started using the numerous video lessons available on YouTube put up by talented musicians with a view to sharing passions. This is nothing short of a learning revolution as it gives anyone the chance to take lessons on anything from cooking to advanced maths free of cost, at a time and place that suits them the best, with option to play and pause as much as they like.Me the Professional Professionally, social media has had a tremendous impact on the way I work. A few years back when Wikipedia came up, I and a few colleagues were hugely impressed with how it took collaboration to a whole new level. Inspired by the concept, we started experimenting with our own internal Wiki-based organisation wide information sharing platform that would promote collaboration between employees across different teams.Upon its completion, it provided an easy to use medium for our associates to share, discuss and collaborate on topics ranging from technical concepts to HR processes to id eas for the next cultural event. Social media avenues such as blogs are also changing the way that managements communicate with their employees. In a lot of organisations including mine, more and more managers have started maintaining blogs where they share their views on a variety of professional and non-professional topics. I feel it’s a fantastic way of really reaching out to your employees.It is more effective and personal than the general â€Å"CEO’s message†emails that otherwise get churned out. By getting instant feedback on their blogs from enthusiastic employees, leaders can quickly feel the pulse of the organisation and use that knowledge to make better decisions. Me the common man If there is one aspect of social media that has influenced me the most in recent times, then it has to be its effectiveness in ensuring a lightning fast flow of information in times of national calamities, unfortunate incidents such as terror attacks or political unrest.Rec ently, platforms such as twitter have been critical in ensuring an immediate spread of information across the globe. When the unfortunate terror attacks took place in Mumbai in November 2008, frantic phone calls from anxious friends and family members to the city from had started saturating the cell phone networks, unable to reach my friends, I was reassured of their safety through their twitter updates. At the time, even news agencies were following twitter updates from citizens to get a view of the ground level reality.Over time, we have seen such micro-blogging mediums play an ever increasing role as reliable mediums of breaking news. This development has revolutionised my perception of journalism. In essence, it allows the common man to become a reporter and provide his own perception of the latest breaking news to entire world. Two sides to a coin My Strong beliefs on the significance of social media however do not imply that I do not acknowledge the shortcomings of the social media revolution. There are two sides to a coin.Some of the factors that make social media great also lead to some of its shortcomings. The widespread and free availability of social media often lead to an overload of content. Such high volumes mean that finding relevant and useful content often becomes a challenge. I believe that there need to be more efficient filtering mechanisms developed to enable faster sourcing of content that’s relevant. The anonymity that the internet provides to everyone makes social media platforms vulnerable to misuse. Examples of dubious elements harming naive web users are widespread.There is a need to promote a more educated use of such mediums and to establish more stringent controls to help counter such misdoings. Social media has often also been criticised for the work/life balance that it tends to disrupt or the productivity concerns it raises when people use social networking sites at work. Spending too much time online cuts one off from r eal life and defeats the very objective of collaboration. I feel this is more down to the individual, and as is true of everything in life, a balance needs to be maintained. Tip of the IcebergTo conclude, I feel what I’ve seen so far is only beginning and social media is only going to keep bringing about radical changes to what I perceive to be the definitive ways of information sharing and communication. Social media has proven itself to be a very powerful tool of empowering the individual to become a part of a global community. My beliefs in the potential of social media have only strengthened over time and I feel that the constant developments in this field will ensure that the way we communicate, educate, collaborate and trade will never be the same again.
Marketing research RRL
Bin empathy is the term used by service strategist to ensure that kind of mechanical human interaction does not happen that employee who serve customers are responsive ,competent and empathic.. This is not means that they listen to the needs of people but also that they demonstrate empathy. Some though have taken this much further, they think of the numerous. Service are performance and people are the performers. From the customer perspective the people performing the service are the company. An incompetent insurance company .The component of this performance can as in the theatre. Be planned and designed to achieve any desired outcome and maintained over a long period of time. What the supplier see's as a set of operational procedures can be thought of as customers script. Have achieved success by intuitively applying dramatic technique to service business Service script is followed. It is that the quality of service will match the expectations of the buyers and intention of the sup plier so this script needs to be worked out carefully. Communicate the intention of the suppliaer. T seems, then that concept and paradigms do help employees who have to serve customers to demonstrate emotional empathy. A recognized framework put words concepts and engage to demonstrate emotional empathy When trying to plan service improvement, particularly in a large firm, it is possible to break the service often into recognizable components, or features which can be individually improved by doing so, suppliers can understand which aspect of their service is deficient when compared with customers expectation or competitor performance The attribute required by most customers were.Timeliness: the service is provided promptly Empathy; the organization understands the customers need . Assurance: technical correctness of the work Fees: providing value of money Tangibles: providing evidence hat the work is performed correctly Reliability the firm does what it says it will. Understanding lifetime value and customer profitability This important concept changes the perspective on a customer and prompts investment in customer care. Although he didn't give it this name .. The concept of lifetime value of customers suggests that firms know four things about a customer .The total revenue from all work in any given year The costs of service to those customers. Including proposal and prospecting cost The anticipated duration of the relationship of the customers to the firm . The profit in any given year and the total profit. Service Strategy, Like all other strategic issues. Quality of service is important to service is so important to service companies that an explicit service strategy should develop. Dublin 2008- Customers care is an aspect of service Businesses that contributes to growth in revenue and reputation.It has strategic implications for business growth which can. Product and Service Planning Product and service and planning includes activities such as test mar keting product and brand positioning: devising warranties: packaging determining product options, product features, product style, and product laity deleting old products, and providing for customer service. One of the most effective product and service planning techniques is test marketing test markets allow an organization to test alternative marketing plans and to forecast future sales of a new product.The environment and the modern management imperatives Bocce 2008-Paul licker refers to seven modern management imperatives (Licker,1997) Reach- this recognizes that businesses increasingly complete globally rather than locally or within national boundaries Reaction- customers are becoming ever more demanding and customers will make their view known and wish to have them expected Responsiveness- the process of turning an idea into a product or service that can be marketed in shortening- global reach means that there will be a greater problem ability that a competitor will be able to offer a good or service that more closely meets customers requirements.. Refinement-Refinement greater customer sophistication and specificity means that customers are more able than ever to distinguish fine between products and compare them with their needs and desires.. Reconfiguration- as a consequence of changing customers needs and preferences it may be necessary to re-engineer work patterns and organizational trustees change the structure of work and workflow from idea to product service. The Importance of service Quality.Customer care and service quality are important for several reason. Firstly service quality affects the attitudes of buyers toward repurchase. If they have a good experience they are more likely to buy again and if a poor experience. Some recent writers have even suggested customers reaction to service quality induce loyalty to the supplier. Which can be measured and managed. Service Quality and customer Care A Recent History Greasily 2008- Deponents of serv ice quality concept normally that an emphasis n customers care was not necessary before 20th century and only develop as consumerism grew. That is not the case though. For instance, British potter Josiah.It seems that difficulty occurred as distribution chains grew and marketing was functionalities in the mid 20th century. Competitive Strategies Thomson 2008- In findings its competitive edge within these five forces, porter suggests that a company can adopt one three strategies Differentiation The Differentiation strategy involves an attempt to distinguish the firm's product others in the industry. Companies that pursue a differentiation strategy typically need strong arresting abilities, a creative flair and reputation for leadership. In the form of customers loyalty that a new entrant into the market would have difficulty overcoming. Cost leadership. With A cost Leadership strategy, the organization aggressively seeks efficient facilities.Likewise, the low -cost producer is protec ted from powerful customers and supplier, because customers cannot find lower prices where the other buyer would have less slack for price negotiation with supplier. One on one Marketing Ford 2009- One on One marketing, as the name implies individual product with individual customers. This way of dealing with customers takes differentiated or niche marketing to the extreme. Successful one on one marketing requires detailed knowledge of customers Production Versus marketing Orientation The production and marketing orientation are complementary ways to look at business. Transactional View One view of exchange is the teach and every interaction with his a unique and independent event. Transactional Selling can be more adversarial cooperative.Price become a key consideration -neither the sales person nor customers is looking for much beyond the immediate transaction. Relational Selling Attracting new customers costs significantly more than reselling to current customer. Customer Loyalty Loyal customers are like money in the bank because their purchases provide revenue into the future customers loyalty is a function of two components. The second components of customers loyalty is intangible and based on emotion. Customers commitment is the bond between a customers and a sales firm that builds. Up overtime as a customer continues to have rewarding sales exchanges with a supplier Computing the Value off Customer.CRM implies that firm should mange different customer differently. While infrequent flyers may not see things the same way. The special treatment is worthwhile because platinum flyers provide a disproportionate amount of revenue based on their frequent flying behavior based on their frequent flying behavior. The sales and managing customers . Marketing strategy is one way firms go about creating value. Value is the individual's selective perception of the worth of some activity, object or idea. With C. R. M the salesperson does more than Just create sales. Ga ther important data about the customers and the market. Identify the types of data needed to give the customers better service
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Inside marketing: practices, ideologies, devices Essay
Marketing Introduction            Marketing refers to functions carried out by an organization and the processes set for communicating, creating and delivering services to customers (Gundlach, 2009: p.259). The essence of marketing is to influence customers’ behavior or precipitate behavioral change. Marketing practitioners needs to understand consumer behavior and have better market analysis and segmentation. This helps in managing customer relationships in ways that are beneficial to the shareholders and the organization. However, these activities involve interaction where both the buyer and seller enter into an agreement concerning the price of a given commodity. On 24th October 2013, I happened to visit Bet Electronic Company Limited. The company deals in different electronic items both households and industrial supplies and installations the aim was to purchase a home computer.            In every market, a new customer needs to have a marketing orientation. This gives the customer a general overview of the company and some information concerning the product at hand. Before I started negotiating about the price of the computer, the attendant did two orientations, product and selling orientation. Product orientation            He explained about the quality and the benefits of purchasing the hp computer. The company believed that their computers were of the best quality than any other. Their products have two years guarantee, and they offer after sales services such as convenient distribution to customer premises. Selling orientation            The company uses applies both face to face and e- selling when dealing with their products. We had face to face conversation where the sales department manager appeared to have all skills required. They sell their products even through the internet. In this situation, I met with one customer from Britain. He assured that the company sells high quality products being their customer for two years. Understanding customers            Though it was very hard to make the decision, their approach and understanding of customers influenced my decision. They contributed to the evaluation and better selection of computer. Situational analysis Pricing            This plays a very important role in every marketing situation. The price of products affects both the customer and the marketer (Amaldoss, 2010: p.32). BET company uses customer based pricing. Through the orientation, I realized that they set their final prices considering the customer willingness and the company profit. The initial price of the home computer was $525, but my offer was $350. Considering the cost of production and distribution, $350 was not profitable to the company. Through long bargaining, we came to an agreement of $450 as the price of the computer. Distribution            This involves the channels used by a business to either distribute goods to the market or to customer premises (Shen, 2009: p.5885). The business has means of transporting goods to the required destinations. During the product orientation stage, the company promised of convenient distribution of the product to the customer’s premises. This contributed to my decision of purchasing the computer from BET Company. This is a very essential marketing mix that the company has adopted to ensure better customer services. After purchasing the computer, I left it but later it was transported to my house four kilometers from the market. Internal and micro-environments            These refer to the factors in the immediate area of operations in the organization (Takahashi, 2007: p.5). These factors include customers, competitors, suppliers, distribution channels and the general public. They affect the freedom of decision-making and performance of the business. BET Company considers all these factors when conducting its operations. The company is located in a market full of competitors. This led the company to accept my terms as they feared that their competitors might offer the same item at a lower price. Distribution channels were used to ensure that goods are at their respective destinations on time. Macro-environment            Refers to uncontrollable and major external factors that influence decision making in the business, and affects its strategies and performance (Gala, 2008: p.273). These factors are demographics, economic factors, political, legal, technological changes, social conditions, and natural forces. Economic factors            It is a very important aspect that marketers need to apply when influencing the buying and spending patterns of the consumer. BET Company applied factors such as the price to influence customers to purchase their products. The better terms offered such as guarantees and distribution of the goods to customers’ premises was very economical and attractive. Ethical implications            These are assumed consequences that result from a moral/ethical action (Weaver, 2010: p.951). In the case of BET Company limited, there are some present ethical implications. Pricing ethical issues            Marketing mix has many areas that lead to interaction between marketers and customers. Those involved in marketing should bear in mind that these implications has effects in the success of the business. On issues concerning pricing, BET Company practiced unethical issue in pricing its products. Due to high competition that prevailed in the market, they have decided to offer their goods at low prices. The intention behind is to outdo the other firms in the market and attract more customers. The cost of the computer was supposed to be $600 the final price according to the other companies. Though this is beneficial to the customers, it might have future implications. After all the other companies are eliminated from the market, BET Company will charge high prices due to their monopolistic power.            Marketing strategy allows an organization to direct its resources on the optimal opportunities available (Varadarajan, 2010: p.119). The aim is to achieve sustainable competitive advantage and increase sales. BET Company should find a relevant and efficient marketing strategy that will lead to sales increase and have a competitive advantage.            Marketers need to have marketing knowledge and how to segment their markets for effective operations and better customer relations. BET Company should learn other ways of attracting customers rather than reducing their prices below the market price. This will create a favorable environment and increase their profits. They should use marketing practice such as market communication. This involves activities such as advertising, sales promotion, personal selling and public relations. This will enable them to increase their sales through reaching more customers both the existing and potential customers.            They should sub-divide their market into small manageable portions that will reach their potential customers. They can achieve this through use of distribution channels and agents located in different areas. They should also focus on micro-environment to ensure that they create better customer relationship and favorable competition. Distribution channels should also be enhanced to facilitate transportation of goods both to the market and consumer premises. Another focus is on consumer behavior. This is very crucial as the marketer has to understand the consumer behavior and how it can be influenced. They should focus on dissonance-reducing buying behavior. This will help consumers to differentiate different brands of their goods for effective buying. In their marketing mix, they should improve the quality of their products, have better pricing strategy, and enhance distribution channels and their marketing communications References Blythe, J. (2009). Key concepts in marketing. Los Angeles, Calif.: SAGE. Blythe, J. (2013). Consumer behaviour (2. ed.). Los Angeles, Calif. ; London: SAGE. Fox, S. C. (2009). E-riches 2.0 next-generation marketing strategies for making millions online. New York: American Management Association. Richter, T. (2010).Marketing mix standardisation in international marketing: an empirical investigation of the degree of marketing programmestandardisation in German companies and its internal and external correlates. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. Solomon, M. R. (2011). Consumer behaviour: a European perspective (3rd ed.). Harlow, England: Financial Times/Prentice Hall. Weinstein, A. (2012). Handbook of market segmentation: strategic targeting for business and technology firms (3rd ed.). New York: Haworth Press. Zwick, D. (2011). Inside marketing: practices, ideologies, devices. Oxford [England: Oxford University Press. Source document
Friday, September 27, 2019
Summarize employment, labor, and anti-discrimination law Essay
Summarize employment, labor, and anti-discrimination law - Essay Example It’s a less favorable treatment, direct or indirect, on grounds of color, race, nationality, ethnic or national origin†(Whincup, 1998). Sam in the above case appears to be a casualty of such discrimination. In this discussion it will be important to recognize the elements of the alleged offence as well as the liability of the parties with special regard on the applicable regimes of law. i â€Å"The complainant must fall within the class protected by law†(Emerson, 2009). For instance, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, religion, race, language, political or other opinion, origin, color, property, birth or other status. In this regard, Sam falls within groups of persons discriminated on the basis of race and/or color. ii The party must have suffered as a result of such discrimination. In this case Sam could not secure a promotion despite the fact that he possessed the requisite qualification. The complainant must suffer a disparate impact. â€Å"A disparate impact results from certain employer practices or procedures that though not discriminatory on their face, have a discriminatory effect†(Miller, 2011). iii A party must also establish that there is a connection between the protected status and the suffering occasioned. This can be ascertained from the words used by the interviewer that Sam did not receive the promotion because the interviewer thought whites are lazy. This is a generalized discriminatory opinion. iv The party who has suffered must also prove that another party with either similar or lower qualifications was favored at his expense. It’s most likely that the interviewer gave the promotion opportunity to another person who according to him was not lazy. From this discussion, it is noteworthy that the employer is liable since in any company, an interviewer to any job
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Historical Event in S. Korea that Affected on Family Business, Work Essay
Historical Event in S. Korea that Affected on Family Business, Work Experience, Life (1910-2000) - Essay Example A short history of how things were in the period 1910-1945 In 1910-1945, Korea was colonized by Japan. Changes were clearly noticed in the way the country carried out its political, social, economic endeavors. Not much was done in the business perspective of this country. The Japanese took over the Korea’s fertile lands, their buildings and businesses (Savada and Shaw 1990, 24). During this time, the country was in dire need for capital and advanced technology. Japan took up the responsibility of making sure that Korea had a good infrastructure. The Japanese were tough in their rule, and did their best to make sure that the Korean people assimilated the Japanese culture including the types of names, their kind of religion and even their national and official language. In this period, most citizens never thought of Korea’s economic development. They had lost their power and control of their own nation. They concentrated on earning for their basic needs and lived in extre me poverty. Fortunately, my great grandfather had a small store where he used to make and dye fabric which sustained him in the hard times. He was able to give his family a good life. My grandfather was advantaged to even go to Pai Chai Hak Dang, one of the expensive schools; this was rear at that time. Chai Hak Dang was the most expensive intermediate school then. Most students who were lucky to enroll into these schools dropped out because of lack of school fees. They were then employed in factories, publishing firms and in farming activities where they lived a desperate life due to the low income (Chance and Thatcher 2012). At last, the Japanese surrendered in 1945, and by 1948 the South Korean republic was formed by the democrats while the republicans formed the republic of North Korea. In 1950, South Korea was captured by North Korea. During this time, my grandfather was only 17 years old. He describes this time as the hardest that ever occurred on the Korean soil. The North Ko rean army and the USSR had joined hands to make life unbearable. He was scared and couldn’t stand the thought of him ever losing his family or his own life because people around him were dying every day and to the living, their hopes were destroyed because of the ongoing war and lack of basic needs. Young South Korean men were forcefully recruited into the army to fight, and my grandfather had to hide from them. It was impossible for him to look for necessities for his family. He stopped thinking about his bright future and only thought of how to survive. My grandfather’s family moved to safety in the south and on their way, they witnessed the death of many people. At this time, he was captured and joined the army forcefully at the age of 18 years. He was well educated, and this gave him the opportunity to join the cadet where he worked for ten years. Note that as from 1945, as noted by (Pike, 2011), many experienced Korean cadets came back to their country and had for med the armed forces. Under the rule of the U.S.A, the group was dissolved, and its members were taken into the defense force which comprised of 25,000 heads of soldiers. In 1945, the U.S.A. organized for an academy where the cadets were trained. The cadets were commissioned immediately they cleared their Basic English education. United States took up Korea on the 27th day of the seventh month in the year 1950 under the leadership of General McArthur. As a cadet in this organization, my
Homework1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Homework1 - Essay Example In addition, it has opened the country for more foreign investment despite local opposition. This move differs with the way the US government handles infrastructure in its country. The US government invested heavily in its local infrastructure making every part of the country available for trade (Sharma & Mukherji, 2013). c. The Indian government is trying to control the level of involvement of foreign investors in the local trade. This system tries to benefit the local people as the government works to their interest. On the other hand, the system has harmed foreign investors as they find it difficult to access the produce despite the amount of resources at their disposal (Sharma & Mukherji, 2013). d. Wal-Mart would be good for India because of its experience in procuring produce from the small farmers in upgrading a poor supply chain. It has shown success in many countries including Mexico, China, and Brazil (Sharma & Mukherji, 2013). a. There has been constant pressure that resulted to low price on Chinas products. Since the US does not pay an extra amount to cater for a clean production system, China producers do not include cleaning cost in their production (Spencer, 2007). b. With a high production cost, there would a high pricing on an item. However, with a market that requires low pricing on goods despite the cost of production, the company would lower its production cost to match the market price. Instead of spending to treat the wastes, the Chinese producers opt to releasing it in the rivers, reducing production cost (Spencer, 2007). a. Internet connection is expensive for some families who have to meet other needs. Despite this, rise in technology has taken root in education, being a disadvantage to those students without an internet connection (Troianovski,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Literature rewiev Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Literature rewiev - Essay Example She likewise strongly suggested that adequate training of staff and teachers is needed to improve the quality of mainstreaming and inclusion practices. The Audit Commission Report (2002) found that there is a gap between policy and practice, citing several cases of British schools where the duty to mainstream education is absent where the education of a child with SEN is incompatible with the rest. The same report discovered that children with SEN experienced greater or lesser difficulty in gaining admission to their school of choice. Children with emotional and behavioural difficulties had most problems, followed by children with ADHD, and then those with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD). The report findings are supported by Sage (2004) and Wright (2003) but not by Wilkins et al. (2004). Despite the widespread adoption of policies on mainstreaming, and more recently on inclusive education for children and young people with SEN, little is actually known about the relationship between what teachers think about such policies and the type of learning environments they provide. A study (Monsen & Frederickson, 2004) in New Zealand involving 63 primary school teachers and 1,729 pupils concluded that children taught by teachers who espoused highly positive attitudes towards mainstreaming were found to have significantly higher levels of classroom satisfaction and marginally lower levels of classroom friction that children taught by teachers with less positive attitudes. MacKay (2002) challenged many of the prevailing trends in relation to disability and special education needs. Taking a broad view of developments since Warnock, and providing a fascinating insight into initiatives in Scotland, Gilbert MacKay offered an analysis of five ways in which the notion of disability, and the practical reality of our responses to it, are being unhelpfully removed from the educational arena. Whilst all can strive to promote forms of inclusion that encompass ever-widening parameters of diversity, no one's interests are served if the implications of individuals' difficulties are simply ignored or wished away. MacKay highlighted dangers in some recent trends but also points the way towards a much more responsive and productive future. Several recent research studies have come out on the experience of inclusion and mainstreaming in British education. Simmons and Bayliss (2007) discussed the role of special schools and the practicality of segregation. Carpenter (2007) focused on the role of schools as research organisations. Whitehurst (2007) emphasised the importance of learning about the experiences of the children who are the object of mainstreaming practices. Keil et al. (2006) came up with enlightening research findings on SEN and disability. Frederickson et al. (2007) assessed the social and affective outcomes of inclusion. Lindsay (2003) addressed the development of inclusion and inclusive practices, models of special educational needs and disability, and the values that underpin thinking about these matters. Basing his argument on the research evidence, Lindsay provides a searching critique of prevailing notions about inclusion and of current approaches to research. His conclusions will be of interest to everyone concerned with the education of children and young
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Effects of Bullshit on Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Effects of Bullshit on Society - Essay Example the act of an individual (the bullshitter) presenting ideas loosely as true, whereas he/she does not know or care if they are true or not, instead seeking only to impress. In this respect, bullshit is more dangerous than an outright lie. Frankfurt further states that bullshit may involve the falsification of the self by misrepresenting one’s attitudes, thoughts, and/or feelings. Frankfurt, in this respect suggests that bullshit does not necessarily feature the falsification of facts. Bullshit is entirely disconnected from the truth in a manner that lying is not. Frankfurt (55) states that it is difficult for an individual to lie unless he or she knows the truth. On the other hand, generating bullshit does not demand so much conviction. An individual who is lying, therefore, responds to the truth and in that context respects the lie. When a sincere person speaks, he or she exactly knows that whatever he/she is saying is the truth. The liar on the other hand appreciates that his /she is telling lies. In the context of bullshit, the individual neither speaks the truth nor lies (Frankfurt 55). Bullshit is a very big threat to the growth of the society as the bullshitter cares about nothing and acts carelessly says things anyhow. Bullshit also pulls the society down as nothing good will come out of the words and acts that are uttered and sown carelessly. To a great level, bullshit hinders and demoralizes respect for the truth, and therefore fosters the fear of truth. It makes people believe in and support what is presented as wrong while in the actual sense is right much like it makes people reject whatever may, in fact, be right. The present political scenario is full of bullshit because the politicians make statements that are not based on any truth. Politicians tell a lot of bullshit even as they are famous for opposing rational arguments through stupid means such as logical fallacy, misrepresentation, repetition, and lying. A good example of bullshit in
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Relevance of Victim's Volunary to a Charge of Rape Essay
The Relevance of Victim's Volunary to a Charge of Rape - Essay Example The Act replaced the Sexual Offences Act 1956, and all its amendments. The said Act saw the evolution of the definition of rape – the actus reus – from its original definition in the Sexual Offences Act 1956 which was â€Å"unlawful sexual intercourse with a woman†to â€Å"penile penetration of the vagina, anus or mouth of another person without their consent.†The inclusion of the anus and mouth as body parts renders it now legally possible for a male to be raped, but the retention of the word â€Å"penile†limits the defendant in a charge of rape to only male. The charge of â€Å"assault by penetration†is used to cover circumstances wherein objects other than a penis are forcibly inserted into the aforementioned orifices, and exacts the same penalty as rape. The next issue is the â€Å"mens rea†or the guilty mind – this means that the person accused of committing the crime knew that he was committing the crime. In the conte xt of rape, it means he knew that he did not secure the victim or the complainant’s consent when he proceeded with having sexual congress with her. In the past, UK law relied upon the â€Å"mistaken belief clause†which was in the case Morgan4 in 1976. Here, the accused men were informed by the husband that his wife would struggle and say ‘no’, but they should just continue because she was in truth enjoying it. Whilst they were eventually convicted anyway, the case set a troubling precedent: if there was an honest belief engendered in a man’s mind that a woman consented to sex, even if that belief is unreasonable, the requirement of men rea is unsatisfied and therefore the rape charge will not prosper. Westmarland (2004: 7) provides a succinct summary of the definition of rape in the Sexual Offences Act 2003, to wit: The... The research looks at the feminist critique of the rape law, as it is framed. Feminists who have called for the reform of rape law have demonstrated that â€Å"the law of rape historically has regulated competing male interests in controlling sexual access to females, rather than protecting women’s interest in controlling their own bodies and sexuality†. This is a fascinating proposition, and jibes with the conflict theory of criminal justice, which looks as criminal laws as having an agenda supportive of a dominant class. In the case of rape, the dominant class might be the male gender. This paper proceeds to look into the whole issue surrounding involuntary intoxication, which goes into the heart of the notion of consent. Whilst there are differing opinions as to whether or consent is a state of mind, or it is an action, either way, alcohol ingestion makes consent problematic. If consent is a state of mind, alcohol at a certain level addles and distorts the mind in a state of inebriation. If consent is an action, alcohol has behaviour-altering effects and can impair speech and physical movement in such a manner that consent becomes ambiguous. To use the definition given by Cowan, â€Å"to be in a state of intoxication means that one’s mental and physical capacities are substantially altered from one’s ‘sober’ state, through the ingestion of intoxicating substances. To better understand the situation at hand, researchers look at the two important cases of R v. Dougal and R v. Bree.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Stopping bullying in schools Essay Example for Free
Stopping bullying in schools Essay It is sometimes difficult to understand how schools can provide the environment for bullying to take place yet they are very well supervised. Bullying however is carried out secretly and in hidden areas and adults including parents and teachers are not able to notice when it is going on. Other reasons that make it hard to detect is the fact that the school staff may see it as harmless play and therefore decide not to intervene. There may also be lack of enough supervisory settings that could lead to detecting the behavior in its likely occurrences (Wright, 2003). a) Laws on Bullying Anti bullying legislation has been developed to help curb the rise and spread of bullying within the school environment. The legislation provides for firm and fair enforcement of discipline within the school and security measures that provide for a climate that does not allow for bullying and threat making. The laws have been developed to help the school administrators’ deal with the issue. They require the schools to develop anti bullying policies and programs (Clabough, 2010). A national legislation that is against bullying has been proposed to make it mandatory for all schools to have these programs and policies that will help reduce the bullying incidents. The laws have been developed to emphasis to the schools that much is not being done to deal with bullying and that more needs to be done since bullying is an important issue that is affecting the schools. The laws are allowing for various legal actions to be taken up against the bullies who are reported to have bullied a fellow student. The legal action to be taken depends on the type of offence that has been reported (Clabough, 2010). For example where the offence reported involved included threatening the victim, legal action can be taken for threatening behavior and this is treated as a criminal offence. When the bullied acts involve sexual assault towards the victim, the legal action can be taken against indecent assault which is also treated as a criminal offence. An offence of common assault is charged against the bully when the victim was physically abused. Legal action may also include applying for an injunction against the bullies to prevent them from bullying the victim. The injunction can be used to instill fear upon the bully and hence stopping them from bullying the victim. Legal action however is only carried out if the actions of the bully are in more that two separate occasions and they are constant and ongoing. Evidence has to be gathered to prove the harassment and it must show that it led to severe damages to the victim (Clabough, 2010). The two offences of indecent assault and common assault can also be carried out without touching the victim. b) Their importance The anti bully legislation is very important in reducing the cases of bullying in the schools when everything has failed. The law can help sensitize the issue and teach the parents and teachers the need and importance of stopping the bullying behavior as it leads to severe consequences that are long term in some cases. The teachers and staff at the schools are taught how to identify and deal with bullying cases and establish effective strategies that enable the children report the cases of bullying within the school (Antibullying, n. d). The laws can also be used to teach and educate the children on bullying the strategies and types of bullies that are in existence and how they can deal. The laws can also help curb the spread of the practice to other areas like the work places and other environments outside the school environment. Bullies can also be helped since most of them end up committing other crimes in the adulthood (Dombeck, n. d). The consequences of bullying can also be reduced especially where they are long term and severe like in the cases of suicides and psychological impacts on the children. c) Suicides by Children The need for these laws has been necessitated by the increase in the number of suicides cases that have been reported. One case in particular is the case of Phoebe Prince, a 15 year student who committed suicide after she was continuously bullied by her new classmates for over 3 months (Rota, 2010). She had continuously been harassed verbally and physically by nine of her classmates, six of whom have been charged in court since the incident happened (ODowd, 2010). She had been a student of South Hadley High School located in Massachusetts, and had endured a lot of cyber bullying through popular websites like facebook, Twitter, Craigslist and Form spring and she also received threatening messages on her cell phone (Clabough, 2010). In school things had been thrown at her, while her face had been scribbled in her photographs that were hung on the school walls. The parents and the school officials had not done enough to stop the bullying even though they knew of the extent it had gone into. They had instead turned away and assumed a mentality of kids will be kids that led to the suicide. This was one of the cases that led to the Massachusetts anti bully legislation that was to curb such incidents from occurring (GLAD, 2010). d) Long Term Psychological Impact Bullying has been known to lead to long term effects that affect the victim’s psychology. Some of the effects of bullying include self esteem problems that may cause the adult to think lowly of them selves (Dombeck, n. d). They also tend to avoid social situations due to the interpersonal difficulties that they experience. Some of the victims of school bullying have reduced occupational opportunities since they do not get the chance to perform well in school. They have lingering bitterness and desires to seek revenge against the bullies. Some tend to have a lot of difficulty trusting people and they do not make many friends. They therefore tend to be lonely even in their adult life. In some cases the victims of school bullying continue to be bullied even in their work places and in other areas even in their adult life (Dombeck, n. d). e) Helping the Victim Overcome Victims of school bullying are usually very sad and deeply unhappy when they are in school (Banks, 1997). They suffer from low self esteem since they are usually self rejected by the classmates. There are various that the school can help the victims overcome the bullying and prevent it from occurring to them again. The first step of intervening is to ensure the victims safety. The victims are usually weaker than the bullies and hence they are not able to face the bullies on their own. The victims can be monitored when they are in schools to identify the times that they are bullied (Wright, 2003). The victim can also be encouraged to make friends with other students who will influence him or her positively. This will help increase the self esteem and confidence of the victim. As the victim makes more friends they may be able to help him when they are being bullied. They can be taught basic social skills to enable them make more friends. Mentors can also be allocated to the children who are bullied to be able to monitor them and protect them from the bullies (Wright, 2003). Victims can also be taught some skill that can they can use to stand up to the bullies especially when they abuse is verbal. The parents of the victims can help the children to overcome the effects of bullying. The parents can become more involved in the lives of the child to ensure that they are able to notice the instances of bullying. They can help the child speak out when they are being bullied. Counseling can also help the child deal with the psychological effects of bullying such as depression, low self esteem and anxiety. They can therefore be able to deal with the anger that they may feel against the bullies and the need to seek revenge (Dombeck, n. d). f) Helping Bullies Bullying is normally carried out in a secretive manner and can be difficult to identify within the schools (Wright, 2003). Teachers and school administrators may not be aware of how it is carried out. They must therefore assess the seriousness of the behavior and ensure that the students are aware of the seriousness of the matter. They should also be aware of the consequences of bullying and the charges that exist for bullies. If the bullies continue threatening the lives of the other students the teachers and the school administrators should now come up with ways to help the bullies turn around their behaviors. They can confront the bullies in a firm and fair manner that will not provoke them. They can communicate to the bullies without threatening them and give stern warnings that their behavior will not be tolerated. More stern measures can be put up if the bullies do not change their behavior. The confrontations should be carried out in private to ensure that they bully does not become defiant and refuse to compliance (Wright, 2003). To encourage them to change their behavior they can be rewarded if the cases for bullying reduce. Parents can be involved in the process to establish the reasons that lead the children to bully others. Where the reasons are based on the environment at home the parents can be involved in the process of reforming the behaviors of the bullies. Counseling can be used to help the children deal with the issues at home and reduce their chances of taking out their problems or anger on other students (Banks, 1997).
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Employee reward
Employee reward Employee Reward Assignment The aim of this essay is to discuss the advantages and disadvantages relating to broad-banding and grading pay structures. The first part of this paper will define broad-banding and grading pay structures. It will continue including various examples of both broad-branding and grading pay structures and also discussing the benefits and drawbacks of applying both structures within an organisation. The summary of the key findings will be included at the end of this paper in conclusion. A pay structure outlines the various levels of pay for jobs or groups of job by reference to their relative internal value as recognized by job evaluation and to external relativities as recognized by market rate surveys. In Figure 1.0 is an example of a Pay-graded structure. Example of a pay graded structure is shown in fig 1.0 (Google Images) The pay structures in organisations must be suitable to the necessary characteristics and needs of the required organisation and employees to enable it to work and be successful and worthwhile. The structures should make it attainable to achieve equity, operational flexibility and continuous development, steadiness and fairness in managing employee reward. The main types of pay structures are narrow-graded, Broad banded , job family, individual job grade, pay curve, spot rate and pay spine. Broad banding is the compression of a hierarchy of pay grades or salary ranges into a small number (typically four or five) of width bands. This was first introduced in organizations in the late 1980s and early 1990s (World at work, 2002). The aim of breaking down the job clusters or levels of positions into a fewer number of width bands are to: Provide pay structures which fit flatter organisation structures, Allow processes initially created to withstand hierarchy and vertical movement to be replaced, Work upon other methods of payment that reflect a broader range of employee development and contribution, as well as increased levels of competence, skill acquisition, incessant learning, career development and flexibility, etc. Each of the bands therefore spans the pay opportunities, which beforehand were covered by several pay ranges as illustrated in figure 2.0 Figure 2.0 Example of a broad-banded structure (Armstrong, 2002). ‘Broad banding is an attractive alternative to rigid, structured, specialized and hierarchical organizations. (Aon Consultings Forum, 2002). It differs from a conventional grading system due to the greater pay range within each band and the smaller number of bands. Determining the width of the bands requires care to be taken because if a band tends to be too broad it runs the risk of giving impractical expectations to those near the bottom. In this case, some organisations have introduced bands within bands, which are known as ‘zoning, and reason being is to contain expectations and make the structure more easily to understand and manage. The way Broad banding works is that, when job evaluation has been finalized, the artificial divisions, which normally differentiate between grades, are ignored. A group of titles such as manager, supervisor, operative, clerk are gathered into one large band. This then allows all employees in the organisation to fit into a salary structure, which may have as few as 5 broad bands as illustrated and mentioned above. Also, in Figure 3.0, is an example of a broad-banded salary structure. Figure 3.0 Example of Broad-banded salary structure (Stredwick, 2005) Adopting a broad banded structure concentrates on evaluating the individual, focusing on lateral career development and on competency growth rather than upward progression through a hierarchy. In a 1994 survey by the American Compensation Association/Hewitt Associates examined why organizations had implemented broad banding, 71% of the participants reported supporting a flatter organization and nurturing a new organizational culture, 57% mentioned the promotion of a widely skilled work force and facilitation of career development, and 55% reported minimizing administrative effort and reducing job evaluations. (Peters, 1994). Reasons as to why organizations adopt such an approach are; a de-emphasis on formal job evaluation systems can free up time for senior managers and compensation professionals to focus on critical business and people management issues. In addition to this, a broadband structure can support organizations with collaborative work styles that value process and results over control and status. (Aon Consultings Forum, 2002) Pay Expert Michael Armstrong recommends 12 steps for developing and installing a broad banded pay structure in his publication ‘ Employee Reward. A couple of examples of these steps are: ‘ Reach an agreement that it is the most appropriate pay structure for progression. ‘Decide on the width of bands, the degree of overlap (if any), the anchor points and pay zones. (LGE) Broad banded are most likely to be introduced to organisations, which are flexible, who do not operate with extended hierarchies and believe in continuous development. Broad banding continues to be an approach that has a great interest to managers seeking to enhance organisational performance. During the 1990s the number of companies implementing broad banding continued to increase from 10% of firms surveyed in 1993 to 23% in 1999. (HR Focus, 2000). Broad banding started out in the USA. William Mercer carried out a study in 1997. One of the outcomes of the study was that of approx. 3000 US organisations it was found that close to 45% had either installed the broad banding approach or were considering to do so. (Armstrong, 2002) Looking at the percentage, it is quite a large amount of organisations, which make broad banding look more attractive to other organisations that may be unsure about adopting this approach. Broad banding started of slow in the UK but research carried by Watson Wyatt in 1996 showed that 20 per cent of the 346 firms surveyed had introduced the system. More than half of the remaining firms planned to introduce it in their organisations. (Armstrong, 2002) Since then, there has been a considerable increase in the number of organisations with broad bands. The CIPD 1999/2000 survey of 193 organisations (Armstrong and Brown, 2001) found that 60 per cent of them had broad banded structures with five or fewer bands. Broad banding has become the most popular approach to the design of pay structures. In broad bands, pay is managed more flexibly than in a conventional graded structure and great is paid to market relativities. There are many advantages of adopting a broad banded structure as there are fewer number of bands which makes it easier to manage and an organisation operating with a small number of bands is able to address communication issues more effectively because it grades far more employees within the same pay category, greater width of bands, greater overlap between bands which means continuous development without being upgraded. Although broad banding has come to the force, graded pay structures remain the most standard types in the private sector, however broad banded structures are replacing traditional graded structures. ‘ In a broadband structure, the range of pay in a band is significantly higher than in a conventional graded structure. The band width may be as much as 100 per cent or even more, and there may be only four or five bands in the structure (Perret, 2007) As more employees will be grouped in the same band it can be used to reduce the status consciousness that is often found in a narrow banded pay structure. This in turn might help to focus employee attention to the external environment rather than internal equity. Broad-banding has flatter organisational structures and also encourages flexibility dispensing the need for constant regarding and promotion, less competition compared to graded pay as there is competition trying to compete to the next level of the structure rather than working as a team. ‘In broad banded pay systems, employees are encouraged to pursue the development of job skills the need to achieve the next promotion. (Loma, 1999) From research that was conducted it was found that in one large organization that had introduced broad banding, senior management reported that they received more thoughtful recommendations for promotions because managers did not need to promote people to get a raise simply because they were at the band ceiling. (Tyler, 1998) There are rewards rather than attributes in broad-banding and also worker commitment is at its highest. In traditional pay grading structures theres no prospects at getting to the top. In a business environment where organisations want to respond flexibly to global developments and customer requirements, the inflexibility of a traditional scheme has far too many disadvantages. Promotions are now far fewer as organisations have de-layered, reducing greatly the number of management and supervisory positions. Employees need to be far more flexible, willing to change their roles and learn more skills to meet the needs of the quickly changing their roles and learn more skills to meet the needs of the quickly changing national and international marketplace. The stiff, hierarchical grading structure is far less likely to match the quick-moving, responsive culture required in both manufacturing and service industries. They need to be able to adapt quickly to new changes being implemented. Despite the numerous advantages of the wider use of broad banding, at the close of the 90s, a Wyatt survey of 1,300 companies found that less than one in 10 used broad bands. If one was to remove the larger companies from the survey (5000 employees or more), only 6% to 7% used this approach. (Stern Associates, 2006) A few companies find that it works for them, but most are redesigning their structures to allow pay ranges to reflect the market. Conclusions As with any compensation structure, broad banding must be suited to the strategy, culture and employee needs of the particular employer. In my opinion and after careful consideration on broad banded structures I feel a broadband structure is best adopted in a culture that is flexible and team-based or at least is moving quickly in that direction. Companies should carefully weigh broad bandings pros and cons to ensure it fits with their organizational culture and business goals. Despite all the advantages of the broad banded systems, broad bands are still viewed as a novel approach to pay, yet to be proven workable. While companies continue to move to broadband pay programs, anecdotal reports indicate that many early-adopters are returning to more traditional pay structures. Clearly it is found that managers in organizations that have implemented broad banding believe they will have greater flexibility in directing the workforce if they can move people more readily in all directions within the organization without the constraints of narrowly defined jobs and restrictive pay grades/ranges.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Isolation and Identification of Listeria Species
Isolation and Identification of Listeria Species Alesha Coleman-McCallum Title: Isolation and Identification of Listeria species from chicken sample using Palcam broth (pre-enrichment), UVM 11 broth (selective enrichment), Palcam and Oxford agars (selective plating) also confirmation using biochemical tests. Objectives: To isolate Listeria species from chicken sample To observe the reaction of listeria on selective medium To confirm the Listeria species using biochemical tests Introduction Listeria is a genus of aerobic parasitic, gram positive rod-shaped bacterium (Define, n.d). This genus has more than 10 species with the commonly encountered being: Listeria monocytogenes, Listeria innocua, Listeria ivanovii, Listeria welshimeri, Listeria seeligeri, Listeria grayi, Listeria murrayi. Members of this genus are extensively spread in the environment and maybe found in soil, plants, gastrointestinal tract of animal and humans. Listeria monocytogenes species is of great concern because it is pathogenic to humans and causes Listeriosis. Listeriosis is a foodborne illness (Hardy Diagnostics, 1996). Listeria monocytogenes is different from most bacteria since it can grow in the cold, salt, acid and air-tight conditions. The increased demand of ready to eat foods especially in first world countries has the potential of listeriosis more eminent. Pregnant women, older adults, young children and immunocompromised persons are more susceptible to Listeriosis infections. Therefore cooking, pasteurization/applying heating steps to food, avoiding raw meat and milk/ moist or processed food and washing hands regularly may reduce the risk of infections. (FDA, 2004). According to Food Quality Safety USA [4] a dry and clean work environment is crucial in avoiding listeria outbreaks in the food industry. Methods for Identification Methods used in BI208 lab for identification of Listeria were Palcam broth (pre-enrichment) then UVM 11 broth for selective enrichment step, Palcam (selective agent) and Oxford agars (selective and differential agent). For confirmation of species: organism was plated on a blood agar to check for hemolysis. Biochemical test included SIM tube for motility, mannitol, D Xylose and L Rhamnose reactions obtained. Other methods that could be used to identify listeria species are: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Rapid Identification Kits and Serological tests (MFHPB-07, 2012). Results Table showing results obtained from Listeria media reaction Media Observations Reaction Palcam Agar Shiny, smooth, circular, convex colonies. No fermentation No Hydrolsis Oxford Agar Black colour around colonies Esculin Reduction Blood Cream, hilly,glistening colonies No Beta-hemolysis Mannitol Transparent colonies Negative D Xylose Transparent colonies Negative L Rhamnose Light yellow fermentation around colonies Positive SIM Tube Umbrella shaped growth Positive Gram Stain gram positive rods Assuming Listeria monocytogenes control was used: Media Expected Results Palcam Broth Cloudy UVM 11 Cloudy Palcam Agar No fermentation Positive Hydrolysis Oxford Agar Esculin Reduction Blood Beta-hemolysis Mannitol Negative D Xylose Negative L Rhamnose Positive SIM Tube Positive Discussion Listeria innocua was isolated from the chicken sample. Listeria innocua is not usually implicated in food born-illnesses however an isolated death in an elderly patient was reported (Perrin, Bemer and Delamare, 2003). Portions of chicken sample were first placed in pre-enrichment broth in order for stressed cells to become viable and all other bacterial cells to multiply. Enrichment stage is to partially suppress unwanted organisms and allow listeria to thrive. Oxford agar (OXA) is both selective and differential. The selective properties of OXA agar will not allow gram negative organisms to grow while suppressing most gram positive organisms (Oxoid, n.d). The different property of OXA agar will allow some species of Listeria to be totally inhibited, growth with or without blackened colonies (MFHPB-07, 2012). Palcam agar utilizes two indicator systems: esculin and mannitol. Listeria monocytogenes changes esculin to a black complex around colonies but does not ferment mannitol. Therefore some gram positive organisms such as enterococci and staphylococci will ferment mannitol hence can be ruled out as contaminants (Oxoid, n.d). Blood agar was used to determine if the organ ism is beta-hemolytic. Other Biochemical tests were mannitol, D Xylose, L Rhamnose and SIM Tube to differentiate and confirm the species. Since Listeria monocytogenes is pathogenic to humans a 2 Class Sampling Plan would be used to asses if the chicken is fit for consumption. Different species of an organism may exhibit variable characteristics and maybe mistaken. Listeria species were found and should be deemed unacceptable for consumption. Further testing such as PCR which is very specific could be used to conclusively identify the species present. Conclusions Based on the objectives previously outlined, isolation and Identification of Listeria species from chicken sample using Palcam broth method was very effective. References Define,n.d. Listeria Genus. Retrieved February 22, 2017 from Hardy Diagnostics, 1996. Food Borne-illneses Retrieved February 22, 2017 from FDA, 2004. Food-Borne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins Handbook: The Bad Bug Book U.S. FDA/CFSAN. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration, College park, MD. Food Quality Safety (formerly Food Quality),2007. Retrieved February 20, 2017 from Jay, J.M.,Loessner, M.J. Golden, D. A. (2005). Modern Food Microbiology: Indicator of Food Microbial Quality and Safety, 476-477. United States of America: Springer Science+Business Media LLC . MFHPB-07 Method, November, 2012. The isolation of Listeria monocytogenes and other listeria species from food and environment samples using Palcam broth. Retrieved February 20, 2017 from Monique Perrin, Michel Bemer and Catherine Delamare, 2003. Fatal Case of Listeria innocua Bacteremia: Journal of Clinical Microbiology Oxoid, n.d. Enrichment Media for Listeria. Retrieved February 20, 2017 from US Government, n.d. Retrieved February 20, 2017 from Zimbro, M.J., Power D.A., Miller,M.M., Wilson, G.E., Johnson, J.A., (Revised 2009). Difco BBL Manual: Palcam and Oxford Agar, Culture Media for Specific Groups of Microorganisms. United States of America: Becton, Dickinson and Company.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Blacks Treated As Lower Class Citizens :: essays research papers
Blacks Treated as Lower Class Citizens The black community in the United States of America has always been the target of prejudice from the whites. The Constitution of America states all men should have equal rights, but instead of following the constitution whites have treated the blacks as lower- class citizen. An example that the black community has been treated as a lower class citizen they were being persecuted for trying to get an education. The next example that the black community was being treated as lower class citizens is shown when the blacks could not receive a fair trial in the courts. The final example that the blacks have not been treated as equals was when they could not get a decent job. The black community has always been treated as a lower- class citizen not only in the past, but also in today's society. The first example that the black community has been treated as a lower- class citizen was when they couldn't get a good education. "Besides, those doors are always open to them†¦But most are deprived of education†¦This gets easier and easier until she comes up with still another child to abort or support, But none of this is 'Negro-ness'" (Griffin 92). This quote shows that the blacks were deprived of an education, and a good education is usually a symbol of middle- or higher- class citizen. "They are so close to their ancestors learned to read and write at the risk of severe punishment, that learning is almost a sacred privilege (Griffin 125)." This quote shows how the whites had deprived them of an education for many centuries. The quote also shows how an education is a privilege for a lower class citizen and is taken for granted for middle- and higher- class citizens. In today's society blacks are still being persecuted in schools. An example in today's society that blacks are still being discriminated against is in Corvallis, Oregon. At Oregon State University the white students and faculty are constantly harassing blacks. "People look at me like I'm a hoodlum gang member," said a football player at the university (Cain). This quote talks about how a lot of blacks are viewed as a stereotypic gangster which is considered a lower- class citizen in most people's eyes. At the same campus a black government candidate's posters were defaced (Cain). This shows that the white community does not want blacks in a high government position. A government position is a symbol of a higher- class citizen and since whites defaced the posters it is clear that the whites treat blacks as lower- class citizens.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Ramist Logic of Edward Taylors Upon a Spider Catching a Fly Essay
The Ramist Logic of Edward Taylor's Upon a Spider Catching a Fly Like other Puritanical writers of his generation, Edward Taylor looked to nature and utilized it as an example of a belief system that he had already deemed factual. The use Ramist logic here may seem irrational to many. The very essence of logic commands that we must first look toward nature and then draw conclusions from it. In his work, "Upon a Spider Catching a Fly", Taylor applies his doctrine in advance by using the interaction between an arachnid and a certain contrasting insect as an example of the Calvinist theory of predestination; the belief that one's fate cannot be influenced by one's works or earthly deeds. It is also part of his belief system, however, that a person's prosperity on the earthly plain could be a testament that that individual is already a member of 'the elect'. Taylor interprets a natural situation with a personal hermeneutics with which he selectively reads situations that serve to enforce his beliefs. Upon introducing the central character of the spider in the first stanza, Taylor immediately questions the driving force that causes the spider to behave in the way it does. "To spin a web out of thyself /To catch a Fly?/ For Why?" Such a beginning immediately petitions the reader to question the nature of things. In the first line, Taylor refers to the spider as the "venomous elf" in order to plant the idea that the spider is an evil entity. The spider then becomes representative of the Christian devil, Satan, who instinctively casts his web amidst any of the unfortunate beings who would enter into his sphere. This devil image is further enforced in the seventh stanza when he refers to the predator as "Hell's spider". The spider ca... ...bility to do so, while the fly has been created defenseless; with no option but to fall victim to the spider. These two insects serve as a metaphor for the two differing castes of humans within the Calvinist school of thought. The wasp is representative of 'the elect'; those who are predestined to enter into the kingdom of heaven while the fly is representative of those who are doomed for damnation from the point of their incarnation. Within the life of the wasp, it is evident that it surpasses the fly, just as the Calvinists believed that 'the elect' were more successful in life than other humans. This idea of predestination did not come from the observation of the trials and tribulations between two insects and an arachnid. It was just the opposite. The situation was sited only after it fulfilled the requirements to serving as an example of Taylor's belief system.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Hypodermic needle Essay
Preface As I sat down to think about this research paper I thought about chocolate and all the things I could write about and they all seem to be the same thing. Where chocolate came from, and how it was made as well as how do you cook with it and even some chocolate recipes. I wanted to do something that I thought had never been done before, be original I hope that this is something that you haven’t seen before in a research paper. Introduction Chocolate can be constructed in many different ways. Besides of using it in sculpting and shaping, it can be imprinted with patterns and cut into shapes for cake decoration. But in today’s world many invention has taken place in the chocolate industry over the past few years. Here are some of the new ways that chocolate is being use in technology. 1. The Chocolate Whiff David Edwards a Harvard professor has patented a new way to consume chocolate: called Le Whif it is made up of a tube that sprays a mist of chocolate. It delivers one kilocalorie (calorie) per spray; this invention gives the healthy-conscious a way to satisfy their chocolate cravings without the gilt. 2. A Chocolate Printer At Cornell University a scientist has created a 3-Demintional food printer that can print using hypodermic needles filled with chocolate. The printer not only can do chocolate, but also any edible ingredient that can be put in liquid form. The needles act in combination with computer to create layers which slowly become a 3-Demintional object. 3. Chocolate meets Fashion Because of its molding capabilities chocolate Stacey Van Waldick of Promise Me Chocolates a chocolate company in New York has created chocolate gems, rings and pendants for party favor wedding and special occasion, while one a year New York City presents a Fashion show called â€Å" The Chocolate Show†where all the clothing are made up of chocolate. 4. The Chocolate that is a Vitamin Every body knows about how eating chocolate is supposed to release endorphin to the brain which helps to release stress. But now there is a company in Northern California that has begun to put polyunsaturated acids like omega-three as well as immune booster in chocolate. This will help to increase the health benefits of eating chocolate. 5. Chocolate that you can listen to. I know what you are thinking but the answers in â€Å"No†chocolate can’t speak, but Ben Milne a baker from Scotland was try to find a way to help his friends promote their album when he decided to put the band’s music on a chocolate record, after that made a playable chocolate CD. Now that is the real meaning of â€Å"the sweet sound of music†. 6. No-melting chocolate The melting point of chocolate is between 86 °-90 ° right? Wrong because there is a company in Ireland that has the patent to what is said to be the world’s first chocolate that does not melt. The clam is that chocolate has oils in it that makes it bendable and resistant to heat. The Play-dough like chocolate can easily be used by pastry chiefs, comes in three different varieties milk white and dark and, and it is totally digestible. 7. Technology meets chocolate Based out of San Francisco California TCHO (Technology+Chocolate) is an up and company that produces chocolate with an different flare Timothy Childs founder was an NASA software programmer who decided to strike out on his on with a vision to make chocolate from scratch and in doing so here created what he calls the TCHO dark chocolate flavor wheel which consists of flavors like chocolately, citrus, nutty, earthy, fruity and floral. Childs also invented an iphone app that he can log on to and control his flavor lab by remote he can control time, temperature and shut the machines off and on. Conclusion With technology changing by the day the thought of what can be done with chocolate is now unlimited. Where is chocolate going â€Å"The World will never know? †Bibiliograpy â€Å"Apple – IPhone in Business – Profiles – TCHO Chocolate. †Apple – IPhone in Business – Profiles – TCHO Chocolate.N. p. , n. d. Web. 30 Nov. 2012. . â€Å"Chocolate and Technology Deliciously Mix in California. †Fox News. FOX News Network, 17 July 2012. Web. 30 Nov. 2012. . â€Å"5 Surprising Chocolate Innovations. †Menuism Dining Blog RSS. N. p. , n. d. Web. 30 Nov. 2012. . N. p. , n. d. Web.
Monday, September 16, 2019
The Threats Of Increasing Global Warming Environmental Sciences Essay
Global heating, besides referred to as the nursery consequence, is the ageless addition in the mean temperature of the Earth ‘s near-surface and oceans. It has been one of the environment ‘s and worlds ‘ greatest menaces for the last decennary. Its chief menaces are the additions of the mean temperature of the Earth, rises in sea degrees, and climate alteration among others and in the most utmost instance, it could kill all of us along with the terminal of the universe. In the old old ages, emanations of nursery gases in the ambiance were balanced out by those that were of course absorbed.A As a consequence, nursery gases concentrations have been reasonably stable giving a consistent clime and thereby keeping even planetary temperatures. However, with the usage of more and more energy and resources over clip, the Earth can non absorb the extra pollutants any longer and they are hence retained in the ambiance and this causes major jobs as explained below. First, air pollution is one of the chief causes of planetary heating. The latter is caused by human activities affecting the inordinate usage of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, crude oil and natural gas among others, to bring forth electricity, heat our places, power our mills and run our cars.A These fossil fuels contain C which is released when they are burned, they the combine with O to organize C dioxide in the ambiance. Greenhouse gases are besides released ; viz. C dioxide, methane, azotic oxide and fluorocarbons. Carbon dioxide is the most harmful one to the nature since it is the gas with the higher concentration in our planet. Harmonizing to the statistics of the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre, there have been a rise in the C dioxide concentration of more than 2 parts per million during the twelvemonth 2001 and 2005[ 1 ]. The extra nursery gases stay in the ambiance and these act as a shield, which reflect all the sunshine energy back to the Earth taking to overh eating. In other words, sunshine is let through the ambiance and the reflected sunshine beams are kept at bay interior. Furthermore, there is the inordinate usage of man-made merchandises which contain Cl, F and C. There is besides methane which is released from landfills and agribusiness, azotic oxide from fertilisers, vehicles and gases used for infrigidation and industrial procedures C dioxide. These destroy our ozone bed, either by diminishing its thickness or by doing holes in it. We can non afford the depletion of the ozone bed, since it protects the Earth and us from high UV radiation. As a consequence of this, extremely energetic solar beams get straight into contact with the Earth, and merely a few of its energy has been absorbed by the ozone bed. Together with the pollutants that are already blocked in the ambiance, this intense energy is trapped in bend indoors as explained above. The Environment Agency reports show that there has been an addition of about 2 Degrees Celsius of in the Earth ‘s mean temperature since 2002[ 2 ] Furthermore, another great cause of planetary heating is deforestation which involves the cutting down trees to supply land infinite for agricultural intents or building intents among others. In proficient footings, the trees absorb C dioxide and release oxygen.A This procedure occurs of course by photosynthesis, which occurs less and less as we cut and burn down trees.A As the copiousness of trees diminutions, less C dioxide can be recycled.A As they are burned down, more C is released into the air, adding to the nursery consequence. In other words, C dioxide is being added to the ambiance at a faster rate than photosynthesis can take the extra gas with deforestation. The research conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, some 13 million hectares of woods worldwide are lost every twelvemonth and deforestation represents about 30 % of the nursery gases emitted yearly[ 3 ]. This loss is important to climate alteration, because life on Earth is C based ; trees build themselves with the C dioxide that would otherwise heat our ambiance. Forests act as a mammoth sponge, conserving H2O. They shade and moderate temperature, shelter beings from air current and cold, and bring forth nutrient for us.[ 4 ] Coupled with these, there are some other minor causes of the nursery consequence, viz. : cowss rise uping, rice cultivation, heavy dumping in the landfills and H2O, the usage in of pesticides and insect powders that contain toxic chemicals, dust produced from rock crushers, escape in atomic industries and volcanic eruptions among the legion others. As we have seen so far, human existences every bit good as engineering are the chief perpetrators for the bad status of the environment today and we are the lone 1 that can work out it, if non cut down it to let the endurance of the future coevals. The impacts of planetary heating are immense as good and they are really harmful in the long tally. We have already witnessed it and it is acquiring worse. However, there can be a 2nd ice age if the Earth does non warm up at all and this can be regarded as the lone â€Å" benefit †of planetary heating. In the visible radiation of the above, we can reason that planetary heating, which is speed uping, which is a human-created phenomenon that is really unsafe and must be reduced. In brief, planetary heating is the release of nursery gases in the ambiance ensuing into the nursery consequence. They are formed chiefly due human activities that pollute the air, big graduated table cutting down of woods and the usage of CFC merchandises and are doing more nursery gases, particularly C dioxide, to construct up quickly in the ambiance. There is an pressing demand to cut down the emanation of these gases ; the maximal humanly possible. While authoritiess debate for actions, nature Teachs humanity this lesson: Earth is heating up, drastic alterations can happen any clip every bit shortly as a certain threshold is exceeded and it is clip for us, great and strong people, to pay attending and react and neutralise this phenomenon called planetary heating. The quicker we can respond and the more em anation we can forestall, the better it is since the Earth is alone.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Critical Thinking Questions- Ap World Essay
1. Discuss the fate of the indigenous populations of the United States, Canada and Latin America. How did their fate relate to the sense of mission in each area? During the 19th and early 20th centuries, many of the indigenous people were treated unfairly and no respect was given for either them or their land. Many of these natives were forced off their land and left homeless because industries wanted to use the land for industrial purposes. In places like the United States, the government would often kick the natives of their land in order for the land to be used for new settlers and railroads. Because of such treatment, many natives were forced to migrate away from their homelands. Later on, the governments started to pass laws and reforms to try to force many of the Native Americans to convert to the white way of life and give up their lands more willingly. The Trail of Tears began when these Native Americans were forced to move away. The Trail of Tears represented the quick and abrupt movement of these people from their homelands who were forced to migrate in order to find a new home to live in. In many other areas, like Canada, many of the natives even took a stand and started to fight back. In Canada, a native named Louis Riel started to take charge of the indigenous people as well as the metis, and began to lead his people as they worked toward their rights. Eventually, Riel and his new government were dismantled and sent to live in exile. During this time, construction had begun on the railroads, which had threatened the settlement of the indigenous people. Although the indigenous people fought hard, the Canadians had dominated and continued to use their land in the west for industrial reason. Over in Latin America, the indigenous people were being pushed off of their homelands by the Creole elites as they attempted to raise a claim on American lands which would be used for agricultural purposes, as well as ranching. The creoles began to establish Euro-American hegemony which allowed them to have an easier time taking over the land. 2. Examine the picture of Emiliano Zapata on page 859. What role did he play in Mexican history? What role did peasants and social stresses play in Latin American history? Emiliano Zapata was definitely on the most influential people in the Mexican Revolution during the 20th centuries. He worked alongside Francisco Pancho Villa to lead the lower classes. Zapata was a very charismatic person and was able to organize massive armies to fight for land and liberty, or tierra y libertad. He challenged the Mexican government and political control along with Villa. He confiscated hacienda lands and distributed them to the peasants. Both he and Villa managed to avoid being captured by both the U.S. and Mexican forces. Zapata, no matter how popular and powerful he became, never managed to capture any of Mexico’s major cities. He was killed in 1919 after being captured by government forces. This successfully ended the Mexican Revolution. And yet, if all of the workers, peasants, and middle class people not joined the fight, there might not even had been a revolution or even a constitution. These people began to feel the social stresses between them and the upper classes over the estates. This caused them to join in the revolution in hopes of a better life. La Reforma played a major role in forming these social stresses because when the attempt to create a small independent farm society by redistributing land, it failed because the land was bought up by the upper-class and transformed into plantations and haciendas. To conclude, the forms of social stresses; such as class division, rebellion, and caudillo rule, and civil war lead to a period of instability and conflict in Mexican history.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Book vs Movie Essay
There are different ways to get a story from different sources in modern times. Books have been good sources for stories, but movies are getting more popular and have the same story with the books. Why people still reading books; and others are prefer watching the movies? Reading books and watching movies have a lot in common, but there are some differences that makes the readers remain faithful to reading books. Reading books and watching movies are similar because they are telling the same story. They give the reader or the audience the same feelings after reading or watching about the story. The reader can feel sad of the story in a book while the audience can also feel the same after watching about the story in the movie. The general ideas, which are themes and main characters of the story, are the same. For example, Romeo and Juliet is romantic no matter it is read from a book or watched from a movie. A book and a movie both have a beginning, rising actions, and a resolution. The story are formed in the same structure regardless to it is a book or a movie. Even though there are similarities; reading books and watching movies give details through different ways. By reading the books, the reader has to open his mind for imaginations. Books only show words, and the images of the story are imagined in the brain. On the other hand, movies give a particular picture of the story to the audiences, and the audiences get details through visual and hearing. The audiences can only get what is shown in the movies but can’t think outside the box for more creative thinking. The readers can have different feedbacks to the story, but the audiences can only agree with the movies; therefore, reading books and watching movies make the readers or audiences response differently. Watching movies can save a lot of time, but reading books could take a long time depending on the speed of reading. For those who can’t read fast, they would prefer watching movies. A movie will take about two hours, but reading a book could take more than two weeks for some readers. People think reading books and watching movies are the same, so they will choose to watch the movie for their time’s sake. Watching the movie can give them a better picture about the story because it is visual and is within a shorter period of time; therefore, the audience can remember the story easier. Besides, movies keep on renewing every week, but a new book needs to be written and published which will take a long time. That’s why people who like new and fresh things will prefer watching movies. Although watching movies seems to be more convenient, but people are still reading books. The reason is that books give more details to the readers and usually reveal more characters that are not shown in the movies. Movie producers need to cut away some details because they need to squeeze everything into one to two hours. Books can attract the reader to continue reading and give some suspense so that the reader will be hooked or tempted to finish the book to find out the truth. Reading books can improve the reader’s writing and reading skills, but watching movies brings nothing else but entertainment. Before movies were invented, most of the people read books to entertain and improve themselves. Since movies came out, people are attracted by the beautiful and colorful graphics in the movies but have forgotten the books which are full of details and meanings. People are too obsessed to the shortcuts and mirth’s from the movies, but maybe they should just grab a book, sit down, and read a good book. In my opinion I rather have the time to sit and enjoy reading a great book full of entertainment. In most cases people would watch the movie which tells the story in a short amount of time which is more convenient for them. Either they’re lazy or careless about reading the whole book ful l of fun and detail. That how I enjoy the full version of the story in which I take my time to enjoy.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Political Heroism as depicted in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance Research Paper
Political Heroism as depicted in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance - Research Paper Example This essay explores the characters, actions, and controversies of the three characters; Valence, Stoddard, and Doniphon, in John Ford’s film The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence as a critique of political heroism and an examination of the value, relevance, scope, and limitations of the written law. In the contemporary society, heroism is quite fragile and can be easily destroyed by the media. However, the dialogues between most actors in Ford’s film portray heroism as relative to the level of arrogance an individual can portray. The Man who Shot Liberty Valance sensationalizes the challenges associated with establishing political order in accordance with the rule of law. For example, Stoddard is given credit for killing Liberty Valance who had caused a lot of instability in the town through his violent actions. The wrongful credit enables Stoddard attain great political favors and he ends up a marrying Hallie, a woman who was also loved by Doniphin. Therefore, Stoddard gets fame out of an action done by Doniphon and end up taking away the woman he loved. He even ends up dying unrecognized. Therefore, the man who removed the hindrance to the developments in the town ends up unrecognized. Moreover, Stoddard confesses to a newspaper editor about the true story, the editor ignores the true story and publishes the untruthful one (Stewart, Wayne, and Miles Web). The political aspect of the film focuses on Ransom Stoddard who is considered a hero since people assume he managed to kill the dreaded Liberty Valance. However, the actual hero in the shadows of political reality is Tom Doniphon since he was responsible for the killing under question. The reality of political heroism is evident when shooting of evil Liberty Valance by a civilian is considered a depiction of heroism even in the eyes of law (Stewart, Wayne, and Miles Web). The film addresses the issue of how law shapes the political arena. The
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Compare ketogenic diet, the Zone Diet and the Atkins Diet. Compare and Essay
Compare ketogenic diet, the Zone Diet and the Atkins Diet. Compare and evaluate each in light of known science and practical experience - Essay Example However, it is more of a nutrition control philosophy, rather than a series of shakes, or a workout regimen. The diet has a ratio system that splits carbohydrates, proteins, and fats by an aspect of 40/30/30, respectively. There have been mixed empirical results, as with many commercial diets, because consumers tend to have different degrees of commitment, and lose weight in different ways. The Atkins Diet is a marketed diet that is designed with consumers in mind, but can be followed without purchasing. Unlike the Zone Diet, Atkins advocates eliminating carbohydrates as much as possible, especially in the form of breads. People can adjust this diet to different circumstances, with some limited difficulty; for example, a person on the Atkins diet could order a hamburger at a restaurant, but they would have to remove the bun, and eat it as if it were a steak. Some claim the Atkins Diet leads to unhealthy saturated fat
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